Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Story 6: Overcoming obstacles to climb the career ladder

Jenny entered Community Action's Transitional Living Program (TLP) in Walworth County after staying at Twin Oaks Shelter for the Homeless in Darien. While a typical stay at the shelter is 90 days, Jenny and her six-year-old daughter had only been at Twin Oaks for a month before an opening was available in TLP.

Jenny experienced significant barriers to employment: she lacked reliable child care and transportation. She worked hard to overcome those barriers, and secured a job. When she left the program about a year later, Jenny was able to secure a higher-paying job and ultimately landed a permanent full-time position near Milwaukee.

Thanks to the new job, Jenny was able to find stable housing as well as child care for her daughter. They moved to the Milwaukee area to shorten her commute. Her case manager will stay in touch with Jenny to monitor her success and provide any referrals she may need.